Better get busy living, or get busy dying.
- Frank Darabont, Shawshank Redemption

"I've Wasted My Life"
It was pointed out to me today that there are exactly four months until my 21st birthday.

I think I remember reading a statistic a few years back that a significant number of black males die before the age of 21.

I could go at any minute here, kids.

By all accounts, tomorrow morning I should get up early and watch the sun rise. Then promptly drop out of college, steal My Crazed Roommate's car, and drive around the country -- and maybe Canada -- solving mysteries and meeting people.

But hey, I can barely muster the wherewithal to wake up in time for Lois and Clark every once in a while, and that doesn't start until seven... and I usually doze on and off throughout it... and then go back to bed and debate whether or not to go to Latin class.

Besides, his car's in the shop.

"Minnow Who?"
I have to admit, I feel a little violated. Who are these people and how did they find me? And how do they know it's okay to use the term "rambling" without bruising my fragile ego? I'm not saying they're wrong, but how do they know?!

"English Muffins"
It boggles my freakin' mind that while Kazaa has episodes of The West Wing, Scrubs, Friends, The Tick, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more porn than you can shake an oddly bent penis at, they don't have any Ed to download.

I want Season One, dammit.

And it pisses me off to no end that the British seem to have it. I've checked Those Queen Motherlovin' assclowns are trading VCDs and laughing at not only such choice Ed episodes as "Just Friends", "Pretty Girls and Waffles" , and "Home is Where the Ducks Are" but at us as well. Laughing.

Yes. I know. I still need a life.

Don't you understand? I already have a plan.
I'm waiting for my real life to begin.


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