Writing is like prostitution. First you do it for the love of it, then you do it for a few friends, and finally you do it for money.
- Moliere

I usually watch Wonder Boys at some point when I'm writing a short story. Partly for inspiration, and partly because I can't get work done without some background noise, and I find it best to just put in something I've seen before so I don't have to pay as much attention to it as I would to, say, a new episode of Kim Possible.

I love Wonder Boys because I love stories about writing stories (though I've finally realized that I should write stories about something other than writing stories). So apparantly, my highest literary aspirations are metafiction and metahumans. And James Leer is Tobey Maguire is Peter Parker is Spider-Man, which almost makes Wonder Boys a metafiction about metahumans, like Animal Man #26 -- which I might have enjoyed more if I hadn't read it so completely out of context.

I also love Wonder Boys because James Leer can't come up with good titles, so he just uses ones from old movies, like "Love Parade". I can't come up with good titles either. I'm the guy who wrote "What if the Amazing Spider-Man was Black?" for petesake! The story I should be writing right now because it's due by Tuesday night is tentatively titled "Another Strange Case of Heartbreak." My god, that's awful!

I'm having difficulty because I tend to write at night -- unless it's the stick figures, which oddly I can do very calmly at any time at any place -- but I have to go to bed early tonight and tomorrow night so I can get up and go to my secret morning job which I've come to hate. And I'm going through that writing phase where I'm worried about whether other people will like it, which I've found you just can't worry about if you want to get the job done.

Funny. I usually work so well under pressure and personal crisis.

"Untitled (Illustrated)"
This is how I feel right now:

Twisted around and overwhelmed. And so many arms! Whew!

"Untitled II: The Secret of the Ooze"
Brent Jones, Part Two and I spent, like, an hour trying to fix this TV we kind of broke. The TV swallowed a paperclip while I was trying to fix it. I think it might have messed with the reception a bit because the moon had this blue halo all the time.

I liked Pirates of the Caribbean. I do not like myself right now.

Full Circle.


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