You know what really grinds my gears? This Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumping around there on stage, half-naked with your little outfits. Ya know? You're a...You're out there jumping around and I'm just sitting here with my beer. So, what am I supposed to do? What you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you're trying to - why why are you leaping around there, throwing those things all up in my, over there in my face? What do you want, Lindsay? Tell me what you want? Well, I'll tell you what you want, you want nothing. You want nothing. All right? Because we all know that no woman anywhere wants to have sex with anyone, and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is - is just bogus.
- Gary Janetti & Chris Sheridan, Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
"An Open Letter to You, the Reader"
Look, I don't do this blog because it brightens my day or anything. I do it for the comments. I've got a page rate at one of the top comic book publishers in the country, assholes. I don't have to do this shit for free, so I think that a couple of comments aren't too much to ask.
And don't think that those of you who've made comments are off the hook! (Except for you Dubs, you know you my dawg.) Because when I'm not getting insulted, people are making bland nothing comments about how an entry was so long they wouldn't even know where to start commenting. What the fuck is that? I spend two months putting an entry together and you can't take the time to provide salient commentary? What, this blog shouldn't require any work on your part?
How many more times am I supposed to be told that I'm not worth the effort before I just give up?
What do you want from me? Just tell me! Is it that you're just done? Is that it? Clark's blog is boring and you don't want to read it any more? If that's the case, say it. Like the song says, "If it's no, well let me know. If it's over, I can go. I won't make you."
Really. I'm fine with it. I got better things I can do with my time. Just don't turn your backs on me and pretend like we didn't used to have something. At least acknowledge it. At least tell me it's over. That's all I want. I mean, I rarely get it, ever, but I thought you and I, blog reader, I thought you and I had something different than all the rest. I thought we had something that might last...
You want to know what else grinds my gears? You America! Fuck you!
- Gary Janetti & Chris Sheridan, Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
"An Open Letter to You, the Reader"
Look, I don't do this blog because it brightens my day or anything. I do it for the comments. I've got a page rate at one of the top comic book publishers in the country, assholes. I don't have to do this shit for free, so I think that a couple of comments aren't too much to ask.
And don't think that those of you who've made comments are off the hook! (Except for you Dubs, you know you my dawg.) Because when I'm not getting insulted, people are making bland nothing comments about how an entry was so long they wouldn't even know where to start commenting. What the fuck is that? I spend two months putting an entry together and you can't take the time to provide salient commentary? What, this blog shouldn't require any work on your part?
How many more times am I supposed to be told that I'm not worth the effort before I just give up?
What do you want from me? Just tell me! Is it that you're just done? Is that it? Clark's blog is boring and you don't want to read it any more? If that's the case, say it. Like the song says, "If it's no, well let me know. If it's over, I can go. I won't make you."
Really. I'm fine with it. I got better things I can do with my time. Just don't turn your backs on me and pretend like we didn't used to have something. At least acknowledge it. At least tell me it's over. That's all I want. I mean, I rarely get it, ever, but I thought you and I, blog reader, I thought you and I had something different than all the rest. I thought we had something that might last...
You want to know what else grinds my gears? You America! Fuck you!