Good afternoon, Mr. President. Sorry I've been away so long. I won't let you down again.
- Mario Puzo, Tom Mankiewicz, David & Leslie Newman, Superman II
"Reborn as the Fourth in July"
Aaaaaaaand we're back.
Some eight months and 200 pages later, here we find ourselves reunited, together again for the first time, and all that.
What have I been up to?
I studied Eastern philosphy and pre-Crisis continuity with the wikis. I wandered the wings of the House of God. Watched the long lost adventures of The Flash, five seasons worth of Criminal Intent, and keep pushing Freaks and Geeks back in my queue. I wrote some crappy songs. Got Hoodwinked... twice. Attended a wedding and a funeral. Missed birthdays. Kissed some girls and made them cry -- though not always in that order, and once simultaneously. Trolled my way through DC comics message boards under the name Napoleon Daxamite. Bought a cane. Flew off to distant places. Made some serious bank and squandered it on tennis shoes and back issues. Gained weight, lost weight, gained it all back. Beat the spiders back to their nooks and crannies until the heat and a ten day absense emboldened them once more. Made my peace with Bendis.
So, you know. Same old, same old.
I could go into the specifics. I can maybe even try to explain to you why I've stayed away so long, but I'm not really ready yet. I don't know if you can tell, but I haven't quite regained my footing and don't really remember how to blog just yet.
And I'm not entirely convinced the few of you that remain even really care all that much.
Besides, we're heading into a rebuilding season, and frankly, we can use a little mystery around here. So, while I won't relate the untold story of Who I Am and How I Came To Be, I will take this opportunity to say this:
I'm back. And I'm here to stay.
The Story Before...