Happy birthday, you funny little English girl.
- Mark Millar, "Many Happy Returns," My Favorite Story with Adolf Hitler

"Odd Bits from a Deranged Chap in Strange Places"

I've had to restart my computer three times. For some reason klinkfamily comments are wreaking havok upon the family 'puter.

I'm fighting a small scale war with rolly polies in the TV room. It's probably a large scale war to them.

Still no job, but I'm calling Frosty again tomorrow, I don't care what they say.

I'm so bored at this point, I'm buying X-Men.

Another Bad Thing About Blogging: People have a pretty idea when you were last on the internet, and may be asking themselves why you're not responding to their e-mails (id est laziness).

I was reading a comic book today (duh) and ran across this passage with the Pope speaking in Latin. Thanks to my schooling in the aforementioned post-mortem tongue, I realized that the Pontiff was reciting the Hail Mary before twisters tore him asunder.

There was a Richard II: Electric Boogaloo Joke I was going to make, but it's been utterly ruined now.


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