Happy Birthday for Friday, July 4, 2003:
Venus bestows the unusual gift of drawing others to you. Understand what makes you happy through experimenting, exchanging ideas and being more open to different styles. Your ability to communicate will be enhanced this fall onward, creating greater possibilities. Others find you easy to talk to. A sibling could play a bigger role in what goes on around you. If you are single, you're likely to meet a special person with ease during this year. You will socialize more than ever. If you are attached, your relationship will flourish this year. Virgo draws you out.

- Jacqueline Bigar, Astrologer

"Shoot Straight You Bastards"
Inexplicably, I'm twenty-one years old, sober, and alive.
So I give up. I'll just settle cozily into the idea that I'm going to live for at least another thirty or forty years. There. I will no longer see it coming. That ankh wearing bitch can catch me by surprise.
Are you all happy now?

"Clark IV: The Voyage Home"
There was this episode of Dharma and Greg where they said that every seven years, all of the cells in your body die off and get replaced. If this is true (and somehow, I doubt that I should be taking biology lessons from Chuck Lorre Productions), then I am currently The Fourth Incarnation of Clark.
Here's hoping I'm wiser -- and a bit less loopy -- than my predecessors.

Happy Birthday, Clark.


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