Knock! Knock!
- Tom Robbins, Villa Incognito
"So... What's in the News...?"
I feel like I oughta blog 'cause I ain't blogged for a while. I don't know if I know how right now. To be honest, I wish every entry could be another letter to the writer of my life as a comic, but that'd get old pretty fast, wouldn't it? I don't want to get gimmicky. Like this one time, I was googling Paul Jenkins quotes -- as I'm want to do when I'm hanging out with Jeffries during one of her shifts at a computer lab and I don't know what to do with myself -- when I came across "Harry Osborn's Web-Journal". It's a blog done by a guy who does the whole thing as if he's Harry Osborn in some twisted universe springing off of movie continuity.
I can't become that guy.
Anyhoozle... bloggy blog time. What have I done that would be of interest to the general public? Um... I went to see the last Lord of the Rings flick with my family, an experience I can best describe using the word: Feh. My favorite scene: The Spider-Man 2 teaser trailer. Nuff said.
I read Batgirl: Year One. It was, uh, pretty good... Chelsey's grown rather condescending... uh, my mom told my grandmother that I put everything off 'til the last minute, and I'll probably keep doing that until I finally get screwed because of it, which she seems to look forward to. Uh, weird, right? My dad's got a beard. It's not a big as beard of bees, though... Scrooged is my favorite holiday movie. Where do you think it fits in the schema of Bill Murray movies if all people can be grouped by their Murray movie preference as My Crazed Former Roommate presupposes...? CDS is made of people... Maneater... Sturmgeist has eluded me... I should stop saving my e-mails...
Yeah. I'm not feeling the whole blog thing right now. Just let me gather my thoughts... or redevelop the ability to form a cogent paragraph...
? ? ? ? ?
- Tom Robbins, Villa Incognito
"So... What's in the News...?"
I feel like I oughta blog 'cause I ain't blogged for a while. I don't know if I know how right now. To be honest, I wish every entry could be another letter to the writer of my life as a comic, but that'd get old pretty fast, wouldn't it? I don't want to get gimmicky. Like this one time, I was googling Paul Jenkins quotes -- as I'm want to do when I'm hanging out with Jeffries during one of her shifts at a computer lab and I don't know what to do with myself -- when I came across "Harry Osborn's Web-Journal". It's a blog done by a guy who does the whole thing as if he's Harry Osborn in some twisted universe springing off of movie continuity.
I can't become that guy.
Anyhoozle... bloggy blog time. What have I done that would be of interest to the general public? Um... I went to see the last Lord of the Rings flick with my family, an experience I can best describe using the word: Feh. My favorite scene: The Spider-Man 2 teaser trailer. Nuff said.
I read Batgirl: Year One. It was, uh, pretty good... Chelsey's grown rather condescending... uh, my mom told my grandmother that I put everything off 'til the last minute, and I'll probably keep doing that until I finally get screwed because of it, which she seems to look forward to. Uh, weird, right? My dad's got a beard. It's not a big as beard of bees, though... Scrooged is my favorite holiday movie. Where do you think it fits in the schema of Bill Murray movies if all people can be grouped by their Murray movie preference as My Crazed Former Roommate presupposes...? CDS is made of people... Maneater... Sturmgeist has eluded me... I should stop saving my e-mails...
Yeah. I'm not feeling the whole blog thing right now. Just let me gather my thoughts... or redevelop the ability to form a cogent paragraph...
? ? ? ? ?