"I change by not changing at all..." -Pearl Jam, "Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town" "Teenaged Low-Paid Worker at a Mall Store Front" So. Went to Verizon to fix my phone. They told me I have to take it up with the insurance company or get charged $300 for a new phone. If I was any of the women in my immediate family, this is when words would have been exchanged, because hey, I pay YOU guys for insurance and my indignation defies the reality of corporate rules and outsourcing, and you personally, teenaged low-paid worker at a mall store front have denied me what I want RIGHT NOW and if I express my anger enough, maybe you'll get your slightly better paid supervisor to tell me that she or he, also, has no power over corporate policy and if she or he DOES do the thing I think she or he's supposed to do, she or he might actually lose her or his piddly livelihood or something over a thing that I already agreed to in small pri...
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